, Minerals, Fossils

Minerals Fossils

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Shipping costs depend on weights sum of products in your order and is added to the order's total, so that you pay shipping costs only once.


You may merge your order with our e-bay auctions if you are a winner (our e-bay ID: redcrystal).


Shipping costs calculation table:


Shipping costs table



We send all the packages as Priority Mails by the Polish Postal Service.


Our usual send out interval is once per week, but it is possible that shipping is done with some delay due to our expeditions, but in such case we'll inform about that fact on our website or direcly via e-mail.

Approximate delivery time to Europe is between 7 and 10 days and between 2 and 3 weeks to the countries outside Europe.



The products are packed in foil or paper and then in carton or rigid boxes so that are well protected during shipment.

Fragile products are also packed in smaller carton boxes and most fragile in acrylic and solid boxes.

At the case when product contain non-standard sizes the shipment is calculated separately. Such products must be send also separately due to the shipment security. Such case will be presented in the product details description.

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